Today we are thankful for joy! We see JOY in students’ eyes in every class. Today, we are especially thankful to bring joy to our students at The Next Door – a physical, spiritual, and mental rehabilitation center for women in need of addiction treatment. We have a SWY class at rhis location every Friday afternoon. Thank you to our teachers and students who always show up and bring JOY on and off the matt! Learn more about The Next Door here – #thankful #smallworldyoga

Today we are thankful for joy! We see JOY in students’ eyes in every class. Today, we are especially thankful to bring joy to our students at The Next Door – a physical, spiritual, and mental rehabilitation center for women in need of addiction treatment. We have a SWY class at rhis location every Friday afternoon.

Thank you to our teachers and students who always show up and bring JOY on and off the matt! Learn more about The Next Door here –

#thankful #smallworldyoga